Posted by Paul Eckel, pastor on 11th Nov 2013
Where should you start when reading the Bible? That’s a tough question. The entire Bible is God’s Word. The Old Testament is vital to our interpretation of the New Testament. And yet, it’s easy to get discouraged by strange names, odd places and archaic laws found in the early pages of the Bible.
Unlike reading other books, I urge you to start reading the Bible in the middle. Start with the New Testament story of Jesus. Christians believe He is the central personality – the Hero of Scripture. Begin by reading one of the Gospel stories about Jesus. You might choose Mark the shortest, or John the most sublime.
Then read about what happened as a result of Jesus’ coming. Turn to the Book of Acts. That’s where you and I come in. Acts is the story of people like us who believe in Jesus and form the Body of Christ – the church.
After this you may want to go back and read about God’s original call of Abraham in Genesis. God made a Covenant with Abraham – don’t miss it! – a covenant which only Jesus fulfilled perfectly. Then, enrich your devotional life by turning to the Psalms, where God’s special relationship with sinful people is expressed through the heart and soul of God’s poets.
Now, return to the New Testament. Make it your aim to marinate in the uniqueness of Christianity. Settle into Romans or Ephesians and wrap your mind and heart around the awesome reason why Christianity is called ‘good news.’
This is nothing less than a major reading program. But this reading schedule will transform your life. Grasp the centrality of Jesus and the abundant life that results from believing in Him and following Him, and becoming a member of His Body, the church.